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Sunday Morning Schedule:
Sunday School at 10:15.
Worship at 11:00.

This is the audio recording and outline of the most recent sermon:

“Standing with the Father”
John 8:12-18
July 21, 2024

The testimony of witnesses establishes what took place and who is responsible for it.

The Pharisees refused to believe Jesus when He testified that He was the Light of the World.

Their judgment that Jesus’ testimony about Himself was not valid did not come from God’s law.

God’s law required confirmation of the testimony by one or two more witnesses before it was proved valid.

Jesus was not alone in His testimony about Himself.

The Pharisees’ judgment of Jesus revealed that they were not standing with the Father.

Human standards separate us from the Father.

When I follow Jesus the Father does the judging, not me.

When I follow Jesus I walk in His light.

When I follow Jesus I stand with the Father just as He stands with the Father.